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Home Blog This Book Said “Let Them” – So I Did

This Book Said “Let Them” – So I Did

By Elizabeth Vach | Mar 09, 2025 | Books, Motivation

Okay, so I’m sure if you’ve been on Instagram, TikTok, or any of the same algorithms I’m on, you’ve seen Let Them Theory (Let Them Theory). I read it this weekend, and let me tell you—it holds up.

If you’re at a point where you’re feeling stuck, Let Them Theory applies across the board—to your relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and most importantly, yourself. But where it really hits hard is in your work and those intrusive thoughts that stop you from showing up in your business.

99% of the time, the thoughts stopping you from talking about your business—whether it’s to friends, family, strangers, networking, posting on social media, advertising, or launching your website—boil down to one thing: What will people say?

You’re scared someone will think:

That fear is the biggest challenge you will face as an entrepreneur. It’s easy to work for someone else, where the responsibility is on them. If something goes wrong, you can blame the boss, the company, or the strategy. But when you own your business, it’s you. It’s a part of you.

So, of course, putting yourself out there feels terrifying. You worry that someone from six years ago will see your post and think, That’s not the Danny I knew in high school—this is so stupid.

And this is where the book shines. I read a lot—self-help, marketing, business books—but the best ones don’t just throw out theories; they show you how to apply them. They break it down.

We haven’t put Let Them Theory on our Angstrom book page yet, but we do have other recommendations. The reason we highlight these books isn’t because they just say, Want to sell more? Build an email list. (I hate that vague advice.) The question is: HOW? How do you build an email list? How do you sell to it?

A lot of business books just tell you, It’s simple, just do XYZ. But Let Them Theory doesn’t do that. She doesn’t just say, Let them, let me. She shows you how to apply it with personal stories, real examples, and practical steps.

Even after all my experience, I still hit mental blocks. Every entrepreneur does. You’ll feel like, I can’t do this, this is scary. But then you do it. You publish your website. And what happens? Nothing bad. All that fear? It didn’t come true.

Even if something does go wrong—say a button doesn’t work on your site—that’s great! It means people are engaging with it. You wouldn’t even know there was an issue if no one visited your site. Progress requires action. You can’t wait for perfection.

And once you take that first step, it gets easier. You update the site, you add a page, you tweak your copy, and suddenly, you’re not scared anymore. But then a new challenge comes—launching the app, putting your face on video, running your first Google ad. And the same doubts creep in:

This book cuts through all of that. It makes it clear: You are not making the money you could be making because you are too worried about what people think.

Her advice? Let them.

Let them think what they want. You can’t control it. Instead, focus on what you can do:

So if you’re feeling stuck, frozen, or overwhelmed, I highly recommend this book. And if you need extra support, reach out. Chapin and I would happily remind you that we have been through your challenges. We’ve been there.

You’re not alone.